OWNER: * If absent defaults to owner of target region.NAVY: if present, creates a naval force in the sea connected to the regions port.

UNIT_SET: * if absent defaults to the battle group of the owning faction.SPAWN_FORCE: Will spawn a military force that is defined with the following parameters:.GIVE_TECHNOLOGY: Gives defined technology to the faction in the event.TRANSFER_REGION: Transfers the region of the event to a faction (defaults to player faction).OccupationDecisionAvailableForFaction(faction_key, occupation_decision).

CheckAdditionalTechnologyRequirements(faction_key, technology_key).The following callbacks have been added to campaigns main_invasion a and can be used as a reference. *Optional: if not present, uses database-defined payloads. trigger_custom_incident(“faction_key”,”incident_key”, “payload”*).transfer_region_to_faction(“region_key”, “faction_key”).We also added a Lua function and a payload type for transferring the ownership of regions, a feature often requested by the modding community. While adding features necessary for the new campaign pack Rise of the Republic, we thought that some of you modding enthusiasts may open to interesting possibilities for modding, so we made them accessible via scripting and the database. The new ‘Government Actions’ and ‘Centralised building upgrades’ mechanics introduced in the Rise of the Republic campaign can be customised and applied to any faction (and the same holds for the new Etruscan victory condition requiring the faction to maintain constant ownership over a certain region). Incidents defined in the database can now be easily triggered from Lua. Modders will be able to transfer regions between factions, spawn an army or navy in a chosen region, grant technologies through payloads, and restrict available technologies using scripted conditions. With Rise of the Republic out August 9th, modders will have access to more unit parts and more scripting options as well as the Mod Filter we brought into ROME II with Desert Kingdoms back in March.